Wednesday, April 20, 2011

EAP Rocks!

Here is some great recognition and kudos for our team.  We are all ROCK STARS!!!

Major kudos to Anna.  I had a client (whom has been all around in the mental health system) rave about Anna.  She said she is the BEST front desk gal she has ever encountered and that Anna is always so professional and helpful.  She even called Anna one day when she was lost  on her way to a medication management appointment  and Anna was very supportive. Thanks for all that you do Anna for our clients and also for us.  You are a star!!  Kaleo

Just wanted to let you know that Michelle went totally above and beyond helping me figure out some issues with my files and cases open over 30 days.  I was expecting to have to do a bunch of work figuring out some issues, but when I came into the office today she had already done it for me.  What a huge help!!  Thanks Michelle!  Kaleo

Thanks to Patti who has made some tweaks to our EAP website.  You can now go on it and find the directions to all of our offices.  She has had her first person who went on the website before calling to make the appointment and knew exactly what office she wanted!  Yeah!!!  Way to go Patti to keep looking for ways to improve our service excellence.  Terri

And I have a Kudos for Curtis....He was willing to, even on his week off, do two trainings for a couple of our companies and that was very much appreciated.  Good job going above and beyond!!!  Michelle

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