Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Employee Spotlight!

Our Employee Spotlight for this month is Anna MacLean!
Here are some fun questions I asked Anna to answer for us.
1. What do you miss most about being a kid? Going for car rides with my mom.  We would get a big-gulp Pepsi from 7-11 and drive around singing along to The Judds and Oak Ridge Boys.
2. What was your most unusual job? EAP.  Come on, you set yourself up for that.
3. What is something nobody at work knows about you? When I was in 5th grade I was the class writer for our school newspaper.  It was a dry month for news in Mr. Lance's class, so I made up some stuff about a substitute teacher we had earlier in the month, and that no one had liked her.  Well, the substitute's kid went to the same school, so when the paper was distributed to the school...yeah...needless to say, I was suspended, and ended up having to transfer to a different class for the remainder of the year.  But really?  What kind of teacher doesn't proofread an 11 year old's newspaper article before it's published for the entire school to read?  Come on.
4. What's your hidden talent?  I can touch my tongue to my nose.  OH and I have a GREAT opera singing voice.  Seriously!
5. Do you have any weird phobias? I hate doorbells.  The standard "ding-dong" sound of a doorbell literally almost makes me cry.  Oh....and there's a lion in my attic. :)

1 comment:

  1. Kayleen says:
    Anna, you make my day even when you aren't in the same building. Thanks for being in my life!!
