Friday, February 25, 2011

You've Been Foiled!!!

I present to you...the Tin Foil Office.  Courtesy of Anna, Jeff and Michelle.  Our latest example of team building and engagement.  While Natalee's away, the staff must play. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Employee Spotlight!

This month's Employee Spotlight is on Kaleo Awana!  Here are some fun facts about Kaleo.
I love running, pilates and P90-X

I like the smell of musk

My most unusual job was being an intern at Wyoming State Hospital in Evanston.  Horror Stories!!!!

I have a irrational fear of finding a dead body while hiking or being out in the wilderness…. Weird I know

Something nobody knows about me - my worst fear came true when I saw a dead body in my neighborhood a few years ago!!  Scary!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cute Valentine's Day Treat

Great idea for school treats for the kids for Valentine's Day.  Just bake up some cupcakes and decorate as shown.
  • Toothpicks

  • Red licorice

  • Serrated knife

  • Small peanut butter cups

    • Cinnamon Red Hots
    • Red gel icing
    • Scissors
    • White paper, markers, and tape
    1. Frost the cupcakes, reserving a little icing to build the train engines. For each one, unwrap a Tootsie Roll and slice off one third of its length (the Tootsie Roll is actually scored into three sections). Firmly press this slice atop the back end of the remaining piece so that it sticks in place to create the train engine's body.
    2. Use a toothpick to anchor a 1/2-inch piece of licorice to the top of the engine for a smokestack. With a serrated knife, gently saw a peanut butter cup in half (a parent's job). Then attach one half, turned upside down, to the front of the engine to form a cowcatcher. Use frosting to stick three cinnamon Red Hots for wheels along the bottom of each side.
    3. Set the engine on top of the cupcake and press it slightly into the frosting. Then use red gel icing to draw a train track in front and in back of the engine. Finally, cut out a paper steam puff. Print on the message "I choo-choose you!" and tape it to the toothpick.

    Funny Valentine's Day Superstitions

    Interesting and funny superstitions:
    Valentine's Day Superstitions
    It is said that the kind of bird a girl watches on Valentine's Day predicts her future husband. For instance:
    Sparrow: a poor man
    Owl: remain spinster
    Bluebird: a happy man
    Blackbird: a priest or clergyman
    Crossbill: an argumentative man
    If an apple is cut in half, the number of seeds found inside the fruit will indicate the number of children that individual will have.
    • To be awoken by a kiss on Valentine's Day is considered lucky.
    • On Valentine's Day, the first guy's name you read in the paper or hear on the TV or radio will be the name of the man you will marry.
    • If you see a squirrel on Valentine's Day, you will marry a cheapskate who will hoard all your money.
    • If you see a goldfinch on Valentine's Day, you will marry a millionaire.
    • If you see a robin on Valentine's Day, you will marry a crime fighter - maybe they mean Batman!
    • If you see a flock of doves on Valentine's Day, you will have a happy, peaceful marriage.
    • If you find a glove on the road on Valentine's Day, your future beloved will have the other missing glove.
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Newest Little Member of the EAP!

    Meet Molly Jane Williams, adorable daughter of Jeff and Jenny Williams.  Born February 7th at 5:00pm at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.  Mom and baby are doing great and daddy is proud as can be.

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    February Birthdays!

    Happy Birthday To:
    Candy Vila 2/10
    Michelle Christensen 2/11
    RuthAnn Libby 2/15
    Vicki Watson 2/21